Election Information
Ballot Language:
“Shall the school board of Independent School District No. 213 (Osakis Public Schools) be authorized to issue its general obligation school building bonds in an amount not to exceed $32,600,000 to provide funds for the acquisition and betterment of school sites and facilities, including the construction of secure entrances; renovations and upgrades to the career and technical education classrooms and lab; the construction and equipping of a new auditorium, band room, two-court event gymnasium and walking track; the decommissioning of the existing auditorium and gymnasium; and the construction of parking lot expansions and improvements?”
Vote on or before April 8! Thank you for being an informed voter.
All voters should make a plan to vote.
So many things can get in the way of voting on Tuesday, April 8, Election Day. Kids, weather, illness, travel and more mean voting can take a back seat. That’s why the state of Minnesota offers early voting - by mail or in-person - be sure to vote when it is convenient for you and your family.
Where and when do I vote?
Early in-person voting begins February 21
Vote in person until April 7, 8 am - 4 pm, Monday through Friday and during these extended hours:
Wednesday, March 5 - Until 6:30 pm
Saturday, March 15 - 10 am - Noon
Monday, March 31 - Until 7:30 pm
Saturday, April 5 - 10 am - Noon
Sunday, April 6 - 6 pm - 8 pm
District Office
500 East 1st Avenue
Osakis MN 56360
Election Day voting: Tuesday, April 8 - Polls open 7 am to 8 pm
Combined Polling Place
Ed Pollard Community Center
20 West Nokomis Street
Osakis, MN 56360
Go to MNVotes.org for complete details on:
Voter registration
Voting early by mail
Voting early in person
Voting from military or abroad
Tracking your absentee ballot
Recent Graduate? If you’ve moved away – for college or military, for example – but maintain your permanent residence in Osakis, you are eligible to vote by absentee ballot.