The Plan

Improve Existing Site & Building

We heard the community; this plan is different: Added instructional and community space without sports and athletic enhancements.

The 2025 “Smart, Safe, Strong” plan includes a building addition that would house a two-station gymnasium with seating, a walking track and a fitness/weight room. Other proposed additions to the include a new auditorium to replace the existing auditorium (which would be demolished) music rooms and Career Technical Education (CTE) instructional spaces. Please see additional details in this site’s FAQ.

Heeding community feedback, this referendum does not include elements of the 2023 referendum: specifically, it does not seek funds for sports and athletic enhancements.

How will the money be spent?

Pie chart of budget

Osakis Public Schools Planning Budget

Building Additions $23,950,544
Renovations $1,075,576
Mechanical Upgrades $457,950
Site Improvements
Demolition $860,000
Fees, Permits & Testing $2,136,498
Construction Contingency $1,336,311
Escalation $1,223,121
FF&E / Technology $400,000
Total Construction Budget $32,260,000
Other Costs
Capitalized Interest $64,000
Underwriter’s Discount $326,000
Cost of Issuance $228,221
Reoffering Premium -$278,221
Total Other Costs $340,000
Total Par Bond Amount $32,600,000