Since the failed referendum in November 2023, the School District engaged community members through a community-wide survey in March of 2024 to get feedback on the referendum projects, facility needs and future demands of the school.  Survey results were presented to the School Board in May of 2024.  

In September and October of 2024, as part of strategic planning, a coalition of community members, staff, administration, and School Board members reconvened to discuss the survey results and reassess the needs based on updated information that reflected increased demands on the facility.  The coalition met in November 2024 to refine proposals and potential scenarios that addressed current and future facility demands.  In December 2024, the coalition presented the refined proposals to the School Board, with the Board selecting the Referendum Project Scope that is part of the April 8, 2025 ballot question.

Extensive details may be found in the Proposal for Review and Comment, submitted by Osakis Public Schools to the Minnesota Department of Education in December 2024.

The Process

The top most cited serious issue Osakis School is facing is Lack of Funding

90% of those surveyed rate the Osakis School District as Good or Excellent

94% believe they get a good value for their investment in the Osakis School District

Benefits In Summary: Instructional space, safety & security, community events

  • All students, K-12, would benefit from improved instructional spaces – rehearsals, concerts, plays, programs, and much more in the auditorium; and physical education in the gym and fitness center. 

  • Some classroom space would be reconfigured for improved efficiency. The existing band room would be remodeled to create a special education area that is properly sized and located. The existing elementary music space would be remodeled for expansion of the business department.

  • Safety and security would be enhanced by way of a safe drop-off point for students arriving at school and the ability to lock off classroom areas from public areas, including the gymnasium and auditorium.

  • The community benefits from a hub for events like concerts, pageants, business meetings, guest speakers, community theater, church events and more in the auditorium; and health and fitness opportunities in the gym and fitness center.

What if the referendum is not approved?

Our facilities challenges would not go away - we would still have inadequate instructional spaces, gymnasium, music, and performing arts facilities, and safety issues in the parking lot and with entryways.

  • To address our facilities needs, we would consider leasing alternative spaces in town, future costs we do not control if it is off of our property.

  • Paying annually with smaller projects to address these concerns will increase taxes on our homeowners and small businesses disproportionately because it will spread across a much smaller tax base.

  • We may be forced to cap enrollment, but that means potential cuts to current programming and slowing community growth, including a disincentive to families buying homes in the community.

Timeline if referendum approved

  • Referendum: April 8, 2025

  • Design and construction documents: April through October 2025

  • Bidding: November/December 2025

  • Construction: April 2026 through July 2027

  • Occupancy: August 2027