The Need
Instructional / Safety & Security
Our school is the center of our community. It is a point of pride and focal point for all that’s great about Osakis. For all of our strengths as a school district and community, however, a few easily identifiable needs require attention.
The current referendum proposal addresses needs as identified by way of a school facilities study and the district’s new strategic plan, which calls for facilities improvement. The needs generally fall into one of two categories.
Classroom Needs
Career and Technology, music, physical education and special education classrooms are short on space, or located in places that disrupt other classrooms.
Enrollment increases have put elementary classrooms at near capacity.
In short, additional instructional space is needed to provide an appropriate learning environment.
Safety and Security Needs
Currently, students must mix with traffic at drop off and pick-up time, creating a hazardous situation.
Security is compromised during special events because the school’s existing configuration does not allow us to cordon off classrooms from public spaces.
The 80-year-old auditorium has accessibility issues and is too small, leaving attendees standing in aisles and side spaces.
The “Smart, Safe, Strong” bond referendum would make a difference in preparing our students for 21st Century challenges by addressing instructional needs, along with safety and security.